2022年3月17日,澳洲认证机构SAA Approvals通过邮件通知发布了澳大利亚及新西兰标准对测试报告中照片的要求,详见如下: Photos/照片 The required standard of test report photos in Australia and New Zealand is higher than international norms. 澳大利亚及新西兰标准对测试报告中的照片的要求要高于。 SAA Approvals follow the photo re from the E Safety Rules: SAA Approvals遵循电气设备安全准则中对于照片的要求: Test Reports must include detailed color photographs. The photographs generally should include: 测试报告必须包含详细的彩色照片。这些照片通常需包括以下这些内容: 1. Complete view of the product (external side, top and bottom); 产品整体视图(外观、顶部及底部); 2. Name plate of product; 产品名称铭牌; 3. Other warning labels on product or indicator marks; 产品的其他警示铭牌或者指示标识; 4. Close-up of controls and switches; 控制装置及开关的局部特写视图; 5. Close-up of plug (including markings) or a copy of a relevant Certificate of Conformity; 插头(包括标识部分)的局部特写视图,或者相关合规证书复印件; 6. Cord markings or a copy of a relevant Certificate of Conformity; 电线标识或者相关合规证书复印件; 7. Cord entry into product; 产品电线接入口; 8. Internal overall layout including wiring and component locations; 内部整体视图,需包括布线方式及元器件的位置; 9. Close-up of incoming supply cord/cord anchorage/supply terminal block/earth connection; 电源线接入/电线锚位/电源接线端子/接地连接的局部特写视图; 10. Marking on critical components (switches, capacitors, transformers etc). 关键元器件的标识(开关、电容、变压器等等)。 important Notice/重要事项 1. If any of these items are missing, the report cannot be accepted by law. 如果遗漏了以上任何一项,那么该测试报告是不被法律认可的。 2. If the photos are blurry, SAA Approvals cannot accept them. 如果照片模糊,SAA Approvals将无法接受这份测试报告。 3. If the critical components in the test report table are not in the photos, including their marking, SAA Approvals cannot accept the report. 如果测试报告中的关键元器件及其标识没有包括在照片中,SAA Approvals将无法接受这份测试报告。 Top Tip/建议 Put all the photos in a separate test report document and reference it in the main test report. Zip it before you upload the file to SAA to ensure a smooth transfer of the file, or use Wetransfer or Dropbox services to get the photos to us. 将所有照片保存在一份单独的测试报告文件中,并在主报告中引用此文件。将文件压缩之后再发送给SAA Approval以确保其能够顺利传输,或者您可以使用Wetransfer或Dropbox来传送照片。 |
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